Wednesday, November 30, 2011

All of Our Works Cited

Admin. "Anna Nicole (2011) BDRiP XViD-TASTE." Download All You Need. 19 Aug. 2011. Web. 30 Nov. 2011. <>.

Apocolypsehub. "The Hunger Games Food Recreated." Survival, Emergency Preparedness, Prepper, Survivalist, Everyday Carry, Emergency Kit. Blogger, 2011. Web. 30 Nov. 2011. <>.

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Perry, Pat. "Darfur. Is It Right To Shoot War?" Hossit - Galleries,

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Weldon, Owen. "U.C. Davis Calls for Inquiry after Students Pepper Sprayed." Digital Journal: A Global Digital Media Network. Digital Journal, 20 Nov. 2011. Web. 30 Nov. 2011. <>.

Zamora, Daisy. "A Trip into My Mind." A TrIp INtO My MiNd ;). Blogger, 24 Oct. 2010. Web. 30 Nov. 2011. <>.

Innocent Voices & A Plea for Help

Belen Soriano
Professor Harrison
English 115
1 December 2011
Innocent Voices & A Plea For Help
Social stratification in societies has it’s many pros and cons, while it lays a basis for who  makes up the population and how the government is typically run by the few elites it can also create strained relations between the elite and the rest of the people who make up most of the population. This kind of tension between the elite and the middle to lower classes can cause so much harm and tension that corruption of the government and military is almost inevitable. Because it  causes more harm than good the corruption of government and it’s military affects every aspect of society and those who make up the greater population, which in most cases is the children.
When it comes to the corruption of governments it is easy to see how it affects every aspect of society. Many times you have the elite who have most of the money and the working class and others who live in absolute poverty feeling extremely excluded and taken advantage of by the government. This type of corruption starts tension and furthermore starts and causes people to revolt and take a stand against the government and it’s officials. There have been several fiction and non-fiction novels and movies alike  that illustrate this very situation and especially showcase how a corrupt government affects the children the most.
There has been several fiction and non-fiction movies that have tried to capture the essence of  this prevalent problem of the corruption of government numerous times. Director Luis Mandoki’s interpretation of this kind of corruption came from his highly praised movie Voces Innocentes, which translated means Innocent Voices. The movie is based  during the Salvadoran Civil War where the elite and government had all the power and obtained most of the country’s wealth, while the working class and rest of the population lived in forms of absolute poverty. Yet, what made the movie so highly praised is the portrayal of the Salvadoran government and military in the 1980’s and how they chose to fight against the rebels and guerrillas that the greater popularity formed. Along with being aided with millions of dollars and support by the U.S during Ronald Reagan’s presidency the way the Salvadoran government chose to recruit was in no way just and took away the innocence of the many young boys of El Salvador during the war. The choice of actions the Salvadoran government took in recruiting it’s new members was one of the many reasons that proved just how unjust and corrupt a government can be. The movie follows the story of a young eleven year old boy named Chava, who unlike many young boys his age, he was not looking forward to his next birthday since he knew that when he turned twelve he would be recruited by the Salvadoran military to aid in fighting  against the rebels. For Chava, everyday was a fight to survive and avoid being recruited every chance he gets, because he is the oldest and has no father Chava can’t imagine leaving his working mother with his two other siblings. When thing’s in Chava’s village become worse and he soon finds his home a battle field for the army and guerrillas him and his family are forced to  flee to another village in order to escape the horrors they’re haunted with. Even when fleeing and escaping that village it seems as if the war and recruitments follow them wherever they go and the army continues to recruit these young boys to fight and kill any rebel that questions the government. The Salvadoran government and it’s officials recruit these young boys and train them to kill. Through out the entire movie the inside look into the lives of the innocent citizens and children of El Salvador brings about awareness in who watches the movie and anyone who for even one second tries to imagine how difficult and traumatizing the entire experience must have been. But it also and most importantly shows just how much corrupt governments not only affect the working class but also the children, the ones who are the future generation and who at a young age are taught to kill and fight for their lives.
Many novels are alike this movie and the story it tells was somewhat similar to that of The Hunger Games . The main point  being how often times government has the most control over the people of it’s society and how often because of that power a child’s innocence can be taken away. In The Hunger Games the children of the country of Panem are chosen to participate in these games where the theories of Social Darwinism is prevalent. The struggle to survive is the main obstacle the participants like Katniss and Peeta are told to overcome. The overbearing thought of death and struggle the participants face because the power the capital has is unbearable and it showcases the absolute power and corruption within the government. The main thing the government is trying to prove and show to the children participating in the game is survival and that is exactly what the Salvadorian government and military  did when they would recruit the young boys to fight for them. The used their power and authority to intimidate others with the idea and act of death and killing. The same thing  is done to the citizens of Panem and the scare tactics the government uses by showcasing death and killing. Through out the novel Katniss can be relatable to Chava in the sense that they are both struggling to survive and are none the less involved in a dangerous game of both life of death. They love their families very much and care for their siblings as if the were their own children, they overcome the power love has over them wether it be for their mother or someone like Peeta in Katniss’s case. Both the award winning novel and award winning movie have proved to showcase the overbearing power government has over it’s many citizens and the way they choose to act can be effective in both negative and positive ways especially towards the children.
While the reasons why governments collapse and why they find corruption of the people the only answer to every problem imaginable may still not be clear and after all the rise and falls of governments through out time the one thing that does seem to be prevalent in most cases is corruption. Corruption has been proven to affect every aspect of society and every single person who makes up the greater population both young and old alike. Children can easily be seen as the easiest targets and easiest minds to corrupt when in fact they are the ones who seem to have suffered the most. They are the future of many societies and when the primary thing they are taught is to kill, it makes it hard to imagine just how corrupt their society will be when they grow up. Along with both past fiction and non-fiction works of literature and cinematic films that have showcased this type of corruption in societies, in modern-day times there is always something present in the world showcasing that these types of societies still exist.
Word Count: 1230

Works Cited:
Collins, Suzanne. The Hunger Games. New York: Scholastic, 2009. Print.
Voces Innocentes. Dir. Luis Mandoki. Perf. Carlos Padilla. 2004. DVD.

The Corruption of Humanity or Just Plain Human Nature

Ashley Monzon

Professor Harrison
English 115
1 December 2011
The Corruption of Humanity or Just Plain Human Nature
            In the book The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins many themes were brought up one of which was corruption. However, corruption in the book can be seen through various levels such as corruption of government, society, or humankind. Most of what could be seen as survival tactics could have easily been misconstrued to be the action of a person with corrupted morals. What I find most fascinating about the book is how human nature can be seen as something that is corrupted or unnatural. When in actuality human nature are just a human’s instincts and what the instincts are telling humans to do in any situation. Our instincts usually do not have anything to do with morals, it is our fight or flight mode, and it can be understood how making a decision regardless of morals may seem corrupted just as in The Hunger Games. While the hunger games were commencing and everyone was scared for their children, there were some districts in which going to the games were an honor, and further exploring this topic, it can be proved how the people of Panem may have enjoyed the watching of the games. Whether or not the people of Panem enjoyed watching the games is not the issue, the issue is that people are condemned for having a healthy appetite for action and drama, when in actuality it is each human’s true instincts taking over. As Stephen King said, “We are all crazy, some are just better at hiding it.”
            The hunger games of the book, most will agree, are pretty gruesome and disturbing. The fact that a government is having children fight and kill each other for food is disturbing on many levels. However, the protagonist, Katniss, seems to be in the games just to survive, she never seems to see herself as a serious competitor. Which is something that sets Katniss apart, since she does not enjoy watching her enemies being killed, she is purely just trying to stay alive. This is quite different from her opponents, the careers. The careers are raised for the games, in tip-top shape and ready to kill. This may seem barbaric to most but when thinking back to hunter gathering ages, most humans were willing to kill in order to get food. So how do the careers differ from historic humans? Well, the careers may enjoy the act of killing more than most and actually make some deaths slow in order to torture the person, which is quite the opposite to hunter gatherers. Now although the games are disturbing and awful, what the Capitol is doing is testing the limits of each human, how far will one truly go to stay alive? Throughout, the games each child is tested and their limits continue to be pushed as they are forced to kill for food, for survival. Yet, it is not the child’s fault that they had to kill someone to eat a squirrel it is no one’s fault, the child was merely following their instincts in order to survive. So although the careers may seem awful, they are on point in knowing their task of killing others in order to survive. It is in human nature to fight for food even if it means to take out one’s competitor, so while the reader may read the book in horror, it is helpful to remember humans do what they need to out of the struggle to survive.
            The other part of Panem that is purely doing what nature intended was the audience, the viewers of the games. Today it may seem disgusting to watch children kill each other on a screen, but don’t people watch horror movies or shows similar to Survivor? It is human instinct to seem like one may want to look away however; the pain of others can easily enthrall humans. People want to see the outcome. Some may cover their eyes, while watching, but rest assure they are peeking, and no one should be punished for watching especially since it is everyone’s instincts. In fact, according to Stephen King’s short story “Why We crave Horror Movies” King mentions that everyone is crazy; just some people are better at hiding it. Which is a complete valid point regarding The Hunger Games because for the tributes to be in the games and at least try to survive they have to have an edge of craziness to them. For the people of Panem, or the careeer’s districts, to watch the games intensely they most definitely have to be a little bit crazy, but no one should be looked down upon because everyone has the same instincts, everyone has a part of them that wants to see the gruesomeness. So in fact no one is corrupt, humanity is more or less how it should be because it is embedded within humans to do these actions, even Stephen King agrees.
            Another book that relates to the particular theme of human nature would be Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness. In Heart of Darkness Conrad reveals the idea of the absurdity of evil, he questions whether or not there is evil in a society in which morals stand by the individual and not the society as a whole. This can relate to Panem because the country is divided into districts and each district has problems specific to the location, so it is questionable whether the whole population of Panem has a set of morals in which bring them together, or whether the people just have in common that they are human. While being human entitles one to natural instincts according to Conrad it can entitle one to the fascination of the abomination. In Heart of Darkness Marlow was interested in Kurtz just as Kurtz was deeply interested in the natives, or cannibals, of Africa. Each character has something in which interests them however can be completely wrong to be interested in for many reasons, just as the audience of Panem is so enthralled by the games. Kurtz is crazy and has completely involved himself in the barbaric ways of Africa, however Marlow is completely enthralled by him. And with Kurtz living alone and being so strange in the novella he is considered the abomination along with the natives, or cannibals. The viewers of the games in The Hunger Games are similar to Marlow because of the way they watch the hunger games and how engrossed they are by it. They are interested in the abominable and they cannot turn away. Both these books presents the theme of human nature at its best showing the true colors of humanity, by having characters be so deeply interested in a societal abomination just as people would be in real life.
            The Hunger Games, although written for thirteen year olds truly presents humankind at its worst and best to the audience. By having a caring protagonist and selfish antagonist the book seems like any other, however what makes it truly unique is the situations characters are put in and then reading the character’s reactions. The reactions are what make the characters real for the reader. Just as Marlow watching Kurtz and the viewers of Panem the reader continues to read about brutality and craziness in the world but continues in order to eventually find good in humanity.
WC 1235

Works Cited
Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. New York: Knopf, 1993. Print.

Collins, Suzanne. The Hunger Games. London: Scholastic, 2008. Print

King, Stephen. Why We Crave Horror Movies. Print.