Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Love and Persistence Conquers All, or Does it?

Love and Persistence Conquers All, or Does It?
(a piece from my working draft of my essay intertwined with 1984 and The Hunger Games)

As we all know, a true and passionate love always can conquer anything, even if it means having to commit suicide despite it, or having to go against the government's rules, but sometimes it does not. In the case of The Hunger Games novel, Katniss and Peeta have a love-hate relationship. They tug and they pull, and Katniss does not really understand the relationship she has with Peeta, or whether she loves Gale instead. Yet by going through the ritual of the Hunger Games and by being against the ways of the Capitol, Katniss and Peeta form an alliance and stay together in spite of a potential punishment. In the middle of the game it is announced that there can be two winners, this makes Katniss and Peeta hopeful. But then all of sudden when Katniss and Peeta are the only ones left, it is announced that there only can be one winner. This makes Katniss and Peeta more angry than they are, and they decided to go against this, even if it means that they are committing suicide, or that they will be punished and their families will have no food. They put the poisonous berries in their mouth so that if there is only one winner allowed, there wont be any winners at all. Then all of a sudden it is announced that there can be two winners after all. Persistence and a "Love" relationship that Katniss and Peeta portray, in a way conquers the government. 

This idea is common throughout many books and movies, including 1984. The idea of a government, "Big Brother" watching their every move is prevalent. In 1984, there is a similar conclusion. Although in The Hunger Games, and in 1984, the characters are presented with road blocks because the government limits them to what they can say and do, they still choose to go against it despite even if there is a potential punishment. In 1984, the love and persistence of it between Winston and Julia, rise above and go against what the government expected of them. In the Party of the Big Brother, any type of relationship and sex is forbidden, and sec in marriage is only for reproduction, to ensure that all love is kept in loving the Brotherhood. Winston and Julia rebel, and become lovers, but by going against the government, they are punished and are taken away from each other and killed. Winston says that they can make him confess, but that they will never be able to take away his true feelings for Julia. But when he is taken into Room 101, when Winston is being tortured by his fear of rats, he yells that Julia should be tortured instead of him. Then the Party members rape Julia, which was her biggest fear. When they see each other after, they do not love each other and they love Big Brother again. These sad mind games makes this story be one of the government conquering all. Yet by rebelling and doing what Winston and Julia did, it is still worth it because they both had no real lives to begin with, they were controlled and limited by the government. In addition to that, since The Hunger Games is a trilogy, we do not really know what will happen with Katniss and Peeta with the government. 

word count: 556

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