Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Intrigue and Fascination

Intrigue and Fascination

Fascination of death is universal. The unknown is what we fear, yet we are still intrigued by it. I honestly do not understand why this is so, but it really is true. This fascination is shown throughout the entire book of The Hunger Games. The entire book is focusing on the survival of the fittest and who will win the battle. Millions of viewers tune into the games and watch innocent children and teens kill each other. And this is thought to be entertaining? Seriously? Not only do these children have to fight to live in an enclosed forest, they have to fight each other until the death. How people are fascinated by that beats me. What if it were us in their shoes, it would not be entertaining then, would it? The fact that the government of Panem is so cruel and corrupt they allow this sabotage to go on. 

By reading The Hunger Games, and Stephen King’s “Why We Crave Horror Movies,” I am very mortified that people enjoy watching the pain of others.We as readers are not so different than the millions of Panem citizens avidly tuning into the Games on television. Although we are different because we are just reading a fictional story that Suzanne Collins wrote, we are not so different. In Stephen King's witty article about "Why We Crave Horror Movies," he concludes that we are "ill" and that we need to see other people die in movies, to be thought as sane in our own lives. 

Word Count: 254
Most of the population was fascinated by the death of Anna Nicole Smith, and just as in The Hunger Games the case about her death was heavily televised 

Just like in the hunger games, most of the U.S. population is completely enthralled by the series of movies Saw. People are fascinated by the torturous deaths as well as by the action and drama.

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