Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How is Panem like Darfur?

How is Panem like Darfur?

In The Hunger Games, the country of Panem is in the state of decay that it is because of the people's revolt against the Capitol. When the people attempted to attack, the Capitol quickly retaliated, wiping out District 13 entirely, and basically placing a yearly life-tax on the remaining twelve districts by implementing the Hunger Games.

In the same manner-according to SaveDarfur.org, the Sudanese government was swift to silence the two Darfuri rebel groups that revolted against them in 2003. The Sudanese government destroyed over 400 villages, displacing millions of innocents. Because of this mass displacement, it is estimated that about 30,000 people died between 2003 and 2005. The violence in Darfur was declared a genocide in 2004, and continued to rage on despite various groups' attempts at mediation and conflict resolution. The rebel groups also began to have conflicts with themselves, leading to violence even within the groups, which caused even more civilian casualties. And, just like the people of the Capitol watching and egging on the Hunger Games, the Sudanese government sits by and watches as innocent Darfuri lives are lost.


Word Count- 183
Just as with The Hunger Games the population of Darfur was left to starve, with no supplies.
In The Hunger Games the rebellion caused lots of backlash from the Capitol and they would continue to bomb the districts.

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