Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Total Corruption of the People

Total Corruption of the People

After reading a short story by Stephen King I was inspired by the valid points the short story was making about people's fascination with death and gore. I feel this is a complete valid point in fact I feel this point is completely demonstrated in the book The Hunger Games . While the capitol puts on the hunger games annually for the people of PanemPanem?
The people could in fact like the hunger like the time in which to show which district is strongest, fastest, and overall better. I am making a point that people have come to this point in the present day's world. People like to be the best and a little bloodshed shouldn't get in the way. I feel in  comparison to the Stephen king short story that the people of all of Panem do not want to watch the hunger games, but that instinctively it is inside of everyone to not turn away. It is instinct to be enthralled by the action and suspense.
With this book I believe the author is trying to prove the point that humans are and can be very cruel. And that most humans really do not see that the human kind is one it is not broken up. This type of thinking results in prejudice and cruelty. And if humankind were to let loose and have no rules maybe one day the world would end up being very similar to Panem; cold, cruel, and heartless.

Word Count: 317

Although, this is not the cover for the Stephen King short story I had read it is a symbol for many of the Stephen King novels people find had to detach themselves from, and the population's fascination with death.

Reality television is just another example of how people are fascinated with other people's suffering. An example of this would be Survivor.

My favorite book to relate to The Hunger Games  would be Heart of Darkness  this book truly deals with the theme of  common man's fascination with the abominable.

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