Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Finish Your Plate

Ashley Monzon
Finish Your Plate

  With the passing of Thanksgiving I thought it would be appropriate to write about food and waste. Honestly, I feel now a days the American culture notices waste but does not do much to prevent the waste of food, and with the growing obesity rate that is a complete other story. Anyway, as people sat around their tables mentioning what they may be grateful for this year, for a moment people may have begun to realize what they have is completely superior to other people around the world.
  Food can be such a delicacy at times and during other times it could be just the same ol' casserole your mom may make every Tuesday, but what one should realize is that for some people food in general could be a luxury. In The Hunger Games the symbol of food is prevalent throughout the book, and the author's opinion truly shines through the book on the topic of food. The book shows the luxuries that the rich have when it comes to food and the rationing the poor must do just to survive. Gluttony can be an awful trait and the people of the capitol had it. At one point in the second book Peeta and Katniss were so full they could no longer eat any more however, with the Capitol's ways there was a way to consume more. The couple was offered a drink in order to throw up and continue to consume more. The act alone is pure gluttony, harming oneself in order to consume more food while there are people in the world starving and would do anything to get food. With that part of the book and Katniss' reaction the author's tone on food was clear and it can be said she greatly despises gluttony and wastefulness.
  Tying this theme in with my groups overarching theme, it can be said that gluttony can truly corrupt people. It can turn a person into an entirely different being only striving for more consumption. People can easily change and can be easily swayed it shows how gluttony can be a factor. I honestly do not believe people have a fascination with seeing starving children, as mentioned in previous posts of fascination with death, but I do believe people have the power to not care about the less fortunate and want more for themselves. 
  Food truly is a luxury, because at any time our resources may vanish, so instead of over serving one's plate and not finishing, serve the amount one would feel fit to finish. Because honestly the amount of food thrown away really could have been a feast for a starving village. And gluttony is not a good trait on anyone. So in the spirit of the holidays I end with the message that food is a luxury, do not waste it, and never take it for granted.
WC 485

                                  Gluttony can truly change a person, is the extra amount truly worth it?
Unlike gluttonous people inside of the capitol, or the wealthy, people of poor districts such as Katniss have to fight for the smallest amount of food.

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